Monday, August 2, 2010

Podcast #10: Toddlers (Part 1)

Welcome back and as always, thanks for listening! In this episode:
  • Situation of the Week (Kelly): Negotiating with a child about an unfair situation and trying to meet everyone's needs
  • Topic: Toddlers, part 1 (begins 7:33)
  • Q&A: Do you interact differently with your kids in public? (begins 28:20)
Yes, this is a long one! We got rather carried away with toddlers, and will be posting part 2 as part of another podcast.

Here's the book we tried and failed to recall the title of during the Toddlers section, The Aware Baby:

Enjoy, and please let us know how we're doing!

You can listen here, or download directly from our podcast home, or download from iTunes!

And don't forget to join our Facebook Fan Page. :o) We'd also very much appreciate it if you took the time to write us an iTunes review (there's only that not-so-nice-or-helpful one up there) or help us promote the podcast on Facebook. Thanks so  much!


  1. So, did Livy get to go on the water slide once the new lifeguard came?

  2. Yes, after the shift change, we tried again, and the new lifeguard was fair and nice.

  3. Keep recommending books! These are great finds.

    Thanks for what you two do.


We'd love to hear your thoughts, so let's hear 'em! We're exploring serious ideas here, and think that a good intellectual discussion is a great way to fine-tune one's thoughts. Especially welcome are concrete examples from YOUR life, questions, and thoughtful challenges.

Personal attacks, spam, etc. is not welcome and will probably be deleted, unless we choose to keep them for our own amusement.